50 Journal Prompts for Self Discovery: Foldout Guide
A regular journaling practice has notable benefits to mental health by improving mood, reducing stress, learning more about yourself, and gaining clarity over substantial decisions you need to make. If you feel unsure of what to write in your journal to benefit your wellbeing, you're not alone. 50 Journal Prompts for Self-Discovery is a helpful foldout reference guide you can use to guide your journaling practice. This pocket guide will help you reflect positively on many aspects of yourself and your life. Each of the prompts encourages self-discovery by reflecting on things you've learned, trusted supports, life aspirations, what's important to you, managing under challenging times, and more. Use this guide with your favorite journal for supportive prompts at any time and get to know yourself that little bit better. Size 3.6 x 4.25" (folded), 11 x 4.25 (expanded) Published by thankubody Zines